About me

Welcome To My World

My Story

I’m a father of 2 and a full-time internet entrepreneur.

In 2010 I caught a dream of becoming an entrepreneur and create a lifestyle for myself and my family they truly deserve. Having zero experience in marketing, I failed miserably for the first 8 months and at one point found myself over $30,000 in debt and not having $1.19 to my name… That was my rock bottom.

Call it fortune, call it luck – I call it a blessing, I found a mentor who showed me what I was missing and what I was doing wrong. I wasn’t anybody special but I was smart enough to listen and apply what I was learning – 3 months later I became #1 income earner in the same company I was failing in, and the rest is history.

Since then, by doing certain things in a certain way, I was able to raise myself from failure to success in internet marketing and create a lifestyle for myself and my family we once only dreamed about.

For the last 10 years I have been showing people how to create real and lasting breakthrough in their business, marketing, income, and life.

Get A Million-Dollar Education

The FourPercent Challenge

Paulo Barroso Story

Video Against All Odds & Be The One

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